Monday, 1 December 2008

Work (again)

So, having spent all weekend at work, it's now Monday and I'm exhausted.

Yesterday morning (Sun) I started work at 0800, which usually means a welcome extra hour in bed on Sat night. However, yesterday we (my partner and I) had forgotten to change the alarm clock, and the alarm went off at 0545 as normal, since I was desiring my extra hour in bed I asked my partner to change the alarm to give me the extra hour. I awoke to see the time on the clock showing "0750". Suddenly I was more awake then I thought possible for that time of a Sun morning. Within 10 mins, I was dressed, and on my way down to meet my taxi.

When arriving at work, I realised the time, rather than being 0805, was infact 0705. My partner had changed the time on the clock, not the alarm, and I was now 55mins early for work, havinfg spent £6 getting to work, for no reason. Even worse, had they set the alarm properly I would be waking nicely right about the time I got my first coffee at work.

Not a good start to the day.

Thankfully, work progressed in the same way shifts in this place will do, which is exactly the same as the day before. We were busy but the deadline was met, and the bosses seemed happy.

After work, I got the bus home (no need for a taxi this time) and went home to make burgers with my partner, whilst I ripped the mick for earliers mistake.

Only 4 days till my day off, but at least I have Sat off this week :)

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