Monday 8 December 2008

So, a bit of history on me. I am a 24 year old guy, living in Dundee, and working in a call centre. I live with my partner, who I have been with for the passed year (and 2 months), and until recently we shared our flat with a flatmate.

On Thursday our flatmate moved out, so on Fri my partner and I (we both had the day off work) cleaned our flat. After 10 hours of cleaning, moving and sorting out, our flat was tidier, more organised and more homily.

Ok, so 10 hours makes it sound like we are minks, and had months worth of pizza boxes and assorted takeaway containers to throw out which isn't true. It took us 10 hours because we attacked it with the view that it would take as long as it takes, and we might aswell make the experience as pleasent as possible, and also take our time and do a good job. So we did . . . .

Saturday was spent finishing up the bits and pieces we couldn't be bothered doing the night before, shopping, and cooking. I was cooking because we had the In-Laws for dinner on Sat night. Sat night went welll, and the dinner I cooked seemed to go down well.

Sunday was back to work.

Work is pretty much the same as it always is, with each day being a "Groundhog Day". Still I've applied for another couple of jobs this week so hopefully I'll have something more interesting to blog about work wise

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